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welcome to the spreadee music website promote your music as an independent artist
Spreadee Promoters

Terms and Condition of services

Spreadee services are mostly free, we gives users the opportunity to upload their music files but other services include charges e.g when you subscribe to our deals for hyping and spreading of music.
When you comment on posts, abusive words is highly prohibited.
As a user uploads of nude or abusive files is no way accepted in the spreadee community.
You should know as a subscriber that when your deal(s) is due, spreadee will stop the services rendered, where'''as your files and profile would not be delected

When we write blogs of you, it is very likely for people to find and read it online, we believe this to be normal and a way of getting people to know about you but if you don't want this you can contact us and ask us choose your posts audience.
When you are redirected to another website from, note that the terms and condition of services here do not apply there.

If you have any complaints or suggestions please contact us

spreadee T&Cs

Upcoming artists development
Audience formation

ABOUT is specially made for upcoming artists, models, comedy actors, influencers, public figures..... Our system is simple, most of our services are automatic.We have agents in most States in Nigeria (spreadee agents); our agents follows you on social platforms, get news and latest posts by you which we use to hype you, write blogs about you, and connect followers to you .....learn more
Copyright 2021

Terms And Conditions Of Services

Build From Scratch